Santa came to town…well at least my studio! This was the 9th year that Santa has visited my studio to have his photo taken with the children. This year over 80 little angels…some of the screaming variety booked appointments with the big man in red. Some parents even “volunteered” to pose with their cautious child.
From newborns to teenagers patiently waited their turn. Some were sporting pajamas and others in their very best dresses smiled for the camera and had plenty to time to discuss all of the items on their Christmas lists.
This event takes a ton of behind the scenes work and I am thankful for a awesome group of friends and family that enable me to provide this service. Whether they are baking cookies, helping print photos or simply holding a baby while mom orders photos…they are all amazing!
Oct 25, 2016, 8:05:49 PM
Mandy Wagner - Hi John,
Hope all is well. Can you tell me the pricing for the pictures?
Thank you,